Dublin Murders
Dublin Murders

Dublin Murders

مواسم 1
tabii Premium

Dublin Murders is an eight-part mystery series with a tap root that drops deep down into Ireland’s past, foreshadows the present and brings insight to its future.

  • الحلقات
  • التفاصيل
Old and New
Old and New
In the summer of 2006, Rob Reilly, a smart suited detective and his partner Cassie are dispatched to investigate a child’s murder, and find a community caught between old and new Ireland.
The Dark Bargain
The Dark Bargain
Rob and Cassie make a dark bargain to keep the secret and carry on working on the cases.
The Mourning Morning
The Mourning Morning
All of Knocknaree mourns as Katy Devlin is laid to rest. The pressures on Rob and Cassie mount as there are still no arrests in the case.
Haunting Memories
Haunting Memories
As Cassie struggles to make sense of Lexie’s life and death, we delve into her own difficult past. Meanwhile, Rob’s past finally yields some results in the Katy investigation.
The Rock Bottom
The Rock Bottom
Cassie prepares for the most challenging investigation of her lifetime, while Rob hits rock bottom.
Cues in Queue
Cues in Queue
When Cassie immerses herself in a undercover assignment, threats both known and unexpected haunt her every living breath. Rob, meanwhile, desperately hounds down one last lead.
Summit of Confrontations
Summit of Confrontations
Everything comes to a head as Cassie confronts Lexie’s killer and Rob has a breakthrough about Katy’s murder.
The Finale
The Finale
The finale finds Rob and Cassie forced into a face-to-face reunion.
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