Mehmed: Fetihler Sultanı
Mehmed: Fetihler Sultanı

Mehmed: Fetihler Sultanı

2 Seasons
Every Tuesday

Tarihin akışını değiştiren büyük lider Sultan Mehmed'in mücadelesi ve yaşadığı dönemin atmosferiyle büyülenmeye hazır olun!

  • Episodes
  • Details
1. Genç Sultan
1. Genç Sultan
2h 42m
Şehzade Alaaddin'in beklenmedik ölümüyle sarsılan Murad Han, Bursa'ya çekilir ve yerine oğlu Şehzade Mehmed geçer. Hedefleri Mehmed'in hedefleriyle zıtlaşan Çandarlı, bir isyan körükler.
2. Korsanlar
2. Korsanlar
2h 25m
Saruhan'a dönen Mehmed, ticarete mâni olan korsan meselesini çözerek halkın takdirini kazanmak ister fakat Venedikliler onu Sultan Murad'a şikâyet edince hesap vermesi için saraya çağırılır.
3. Stratejik Çatışma
3. Stratejik Çatışma
2h 19m
Haçlılarla yapılacak savaştan önce toplanan divanda Çandarlı ile Mehmed birbirine zıt düşer. Sultan Murad'ın izniyle iz sürmeye çıkan Mehmed, Yanoş'tan kaçan Eflaklılara rastlar ve Yanoş'a karşı bir plan yapmak üzere onlardan yardım alır.
4. Nikâh ve Sonrası
4. Nikâh ve Sonrası
2h 21m
Sultan Murad ve İbrahim Han'ın izniyle Mehmed ve Gülşah'ın nikâhı gerçekleşir. Hüma'nın Bursa'ya gönderilmesine sebep olan Halime Sultan ise haremdeki yeni güç dengesinin baş aktörü olma peşindedir.
5. Damat Firarda
5. Damat Firarda
2h 18m
Düğün gecesinde Konstantiniyye'ye tehlikeli bir yolculuğa çıkan Mehmed'in amacı Zağanos'u Bizans sarayından kurtarmaktır. Düğün gecesinde kızı Gülşah'ın ortada bırakıldığını öğrenen İbrahim, hesap sormak için Murad'a gider.
6. Melancholia and Megalomania
6. Melancholia and Megalomania
2h 25m
Prince Mehmed confronts an ambush and plans to visit Karamanoğlu. Sultan Murad's condition worsens after his wife Hüma's death, and he prompts Vizier Çandarlı to strategize for the State's future. Meanwhile, tensions escalate between Constantine and Helena in Byzantium.
7. A Regal Contention
7. A Regal Contention
2h 30m
Following Sultan Murad's death, a pivotal moment unfolds as Mehmed and Orhan, contenders for the throne, maneuver for power. In a cunning move, Constantine strikes unexpectedly, inflicting Mehmed and significantly boosting Orhan's bid for the throne.
8. Machinations
8. Machinations
2h 32m
The new hierarchy in the harem, with Bahar assuming the role of matron, is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of Hala Sultan. Çandarlı, aiming to challenge Mehmed in a new strategic maneuver, sets the stage for his scheme with the arrival of Piri Pasha.
9. Ahmed vs Mehmed
9. Ahmed vs Mehmed
2h 30m
Halime becomes entangled in Çandarlı's scheme to install Ahmed as the ruler and they both conspire to manipulate Gülşah. Meanwhile, Constantine sends an envoy to Mehmed, offering a risky yet rewarding proposition as he is away on a campaign.
10. Fading Faith, Rising Resolve
10. Fading Faith, Rising Resolve
2h 30m
Constantine dispatches an envoy in a final attempt to ascertain Mehmed's stance on peace, while Mehmed remains steadfast in his determination to conquer Constantinople. Meanwhile, reeling from Ahmed's demise, Halime succumbs to exhaustion and despair and loses her will to live.
11. The Clash of Tactics
11. The Clash of Tactics
2h 31m
After Zagan Pasha returns empty-handed from his meeting with Hızır Çelebi, Mehmed personally intervenes to persuade the latter. Meanwhile, Sfrancis and Orhan join forces in a daring raid aimed at halting the construction of the fortress.
12. What's a Garden Without a Snake?
12. What's a Garden Without a Snake?
2h 16m
Constantine attempts to persuade Mara to marry him after abducting her and casting Mehmed into deep despair. Meanwhile, Hala Hatun readies herself to assume Mara's place in the harem, but Bahar and Gülşah are determined to make her transition anything but smooth.
13. Stalemate or Opportunity?
13. Stalemate or Opportunity?
2h 21m
Weary of political showdowns, Mehmed sets his sights on Dimitria Castle, determined to make the necessary moves for conquest. Meanwhile, Constantine seeks to bolster his city's defenses by appealing to the Vatican for assistance.
14. Mysticism of Letters
14. Mysticism of Letters
2h 16m
While the Hurufis continue their propaganda activities in the capital, they encounter an unexpected obstacle. Meanwhile, with Mehmed's permission, Mara devises a plan to play a trick on Byzantium using Hala Sultan.
15. Like a Dervish
15. Like a Dervish
2h 21m
Mehmed plans to lure Orhan into a trap and achieve his objective through Hala Sultan. Meanwhile, Constantine attempts to send a message to the Turks by dispatching Sfrancis against the dervishes.
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